
Pinus Radiata Ecosystem Management

2:52:00 AM

Radiata Pine is the dominant forest species in New Zealand and currently 89% of  the country's plantation forests are of this species. The species has been the subject of intensive research for many years. However , as market condition and environmental changes growers are aware that further innovation is essential to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.  
Specially when it’s comes to Radiata Pine Ecosystem, managing and carefully studying it to improve it's biodiversity is very much overdue fact. But this is not without it's own problem.
Ecosystems are a complex and delicate balancing game. They are subject to periodic disturbance and are in the process of recovering from some past disturbance. Ecosystems in similar environments that are located in different parts of the word can have very different characteristic simply because they contain different species. The addition or removal of one species can cause substantial shift in ecosystem function. 

Radiata pine itself identified as an invasive species in some parts of the word. So it os not surprise to see the monoculture plantation and the lack of biodiversity withing Radiata Pin plantation in New Zealand.Monoculture plantation is an activity that can prove to be very dangerous and could be major issue in coming years. Diversity among plant species is important to ensure that plants are able resist climatic changes and diseases, ot single disease can target the entire species of a tree, resulting in the loss of complete belts.
Pinus Radiata with 1.6 HR millions of forestry plays a major part of the forestry industry that worth four percent of GDP. So continues and improved management of Pinus Radiata Ecosystem is a vital part for the growth of the industry. 
So problem remains, How do we overcome these problems ? How do we improve an 
Ecosystem to better production,better energy cycle,etc… Experiments on actual ecosystem 
will take long time frame and of course could be result to devastating outcome.

Well,what if we can determine those outcome even without not changing an one single element of the ecosystem.Think about a computational method that can predict the resulting shifts in the ecosystem functions.Be it is introducing a new species to the ecosystem or 
changing the Nitrogen level in soil. If you have a method to predict the resulting outcome of 
those changes, it will be a massive step forward for the Ecosystem management field.proposed software system will consist of all the elements and all the existing 
biodiversity within the Pinus Radiata ecosystem in New Zealand and could use to other research purpose too, Also by changing the data set and slightly updating the system, It can 
be use to study similar ecosystem within the country. So overall it could be a major step 
forward to whole  forestry industry in New Zealand.

Proposed software module should consist of
  • Method that predict the resulting outcome of the introducing a new species or removing a species from the ecosystem or changing internal factors in ecosystem. 
  • Knowledge base that consist existing knowledge on Pinus Radiata ecosystem and biodiversity in New Zealand.
So in a way knowledge base on this project can be use to further study on Pinus Radiata and Software program can be use as a base for study other similar ecosystems. Which means this project is big step for not only Pinus Radiata plantation ,but also for whole forestry industry.

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