
Final Four Designs, The new New Zealand flag

12:42:00 PM

So John key decide to begin his third term as a PM by changing the National flag of New Zealand.Well he has a good point,rather good one.Weather Kiwi people are up for this change or not is different kind of debate.So I leave it on hands of New Zealand public to decide that.But I like to tell you, as a outsider what I think most suitable Four Designs out of final forty designs.  

It seems like Silver fern, Koru and to some extend Southern Star is the most popular symbols among the final forty.
so lets have look at my picks.Your thoughts on this is highly appreciate.  

Silver Fern (Red,White & Blue) 

Silver Fern (Red,White & Blue)  by: Kyle Lockwood from Wellington
Image Source : New Zealand Government-Flag Design Gallery

Well This is so fitting for the new New Zealand flag. Doesn't it guys ? It is not much different to the current flag, except it consist of White Silver Fern instead of Union Jack.More importantly it consist of same color as current National flag, which makes is much more familiar to the people than most of other designs.

Silver Fern (Black & White)

Image Source : New Zealand Government-Flag Design Gallery

Hon Jhon Key him self favor of this design and why not ? This design right here is like a second flag in use in New Zealand.Silver Fern in back background is not unfamiliar sign to rest of the world either. Any one follows Rugby or Cricket will instantly recognized this as  Kiwi symbol.So why not use a design which is already popular and unique to Kiwi land.

New Southern Cross

Image source : New Zealand Government - Flag Design Gallery

Southern Cross, A symbol that stood along side Union Jack in current flag. A symbol unify New Zealand from Union Jack club for so long. So why not give this good old guy the center stage. As describe is  panels' open latter, the flag should be simple,easy to remember and something unique to New Zealand.Well it seems like to me this design tick all those points.

Koru Fin 

Image Source : New Zealand Government-Flag Design Gallery

My final pick.Combination of  Koru  a Māori word for loop  and a Southern Cross.The White color Koru fin on middle of Red and White color background alongside southern cross is indeed symbolized the little Island's History,the difficult time they had and what they can become as a nation. So why not choose this as a flag to remind all those things.

Well what do you think guys ? Agree ? Disagree ? Or you just don't need your flag to change. Seems like all are possible at the movement.We'll just wait and see what will be the Panels final four designs out of long list.

Cheers.. Have a nice day. 

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