
Final Four Designs, The new New Zealand flag

So John key decide to begin his third term as a PM by changing the National flag of New Zealand.Well he has a good point,rather good one.Weather Kiwi people are up for this change or not is different kind of debate.So I leave it on hands of New Zealand public to decide that.But I like to tell you, as a outsider what I...

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New Zealand, Is it the next Silicon Valley?

New Zealand, soon after you heard the name, you'll most probably remember mysteries Hobbits, Misty dark valley of Mordor or the surprising similarity of Peter Jackson and a Hobbit. But once you travel through the timeline of unknown history of man kind, Man landing on moon ,Steve Jobs announcing the first I phone to the time frame that we are currently living upon,...

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Everything about AngularJS Two-way Data Binding

There is a lot of talk going on about AngularJS these days.Everyone used it says, It is an awesome framework.Any thoughts from you guys? Well, obviously it should have characteristics that other frameworks does not match and yes of course it surely does. Among so many good things that Angular offers, there is one thing that stand out."How AngularJS handle Data Binding ?" Architecture behind AngularJS...

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Getting started with Codeigniter - Creating a CRUD Application

You can find the Source code of this article here. Howdy Guys?This time I'll bring you another awesome PHP framework.CodeIgniter you heard it don't you? Well in this tutorial I  am going to discuss basic configuration we need to have in CodeIgniter and then we move on to create a simple CRUD application. It is a cool little framework. It is so popular...

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CRUD Application with AngularJS

This tutorial will teach you how to create a CRUD Application using AngularJS,PHP,MySQL and Slim framework. You can find the source code of this article here AngularJS is a Java Script framework for dynamic web apps.It lets you extend HTML tags. Slim is a PHP micro framework which we are going to use for create REST service in php. Below you can find file...

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Send Emails With PHPMailer Library

May it be an email sent to the customer, a confirmation email sent to your agent, or any requirement as such, systems which are being developed now a days incorporate extensive emailing facilities. Almost all the systems developed lately contain email functions and obviously the demand for this feature will increase drastically day by day. The challenge we, PHP developers, have got in...

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